
There are traces of red ocher on it

The chiastolites, from what I have read were associated, with precious metals like gold and silver," said Ms. MacLeod.Thomas King set up a trading post in Lancaster on land purchased from the great sachem of the Nashaway tribe, Chief Nashawhonan or Sholan, as he was later known."A silver mine was started in Sterling. Lancaster was settled first for economic reasons," wholesale Soapstone Whisky Stones from Chinasaid Ms. MacLeod.Chiastolites were very important to Native American culture, with the four veins or crosspieces in the mineral signifying many different things."The number 4 was important to them. There are four seasons, four directions, four types of animals: those that fly, that walk, that swim and that crow," said Ms. MacLeod adding that the stones were also very important for trade and gave prestige to the Nashaway.They were used as good luck charms and thought to remove anxiety and depression. They were easy to remove, polished with a deer antler or fibers and were used in ceremonies."This stone was a shaman's stone. There are traces of red ocher on it, and it's highly polished. It was found at an archeological site and dated, along with projectile points, at about 3,000 years ago," said Ms. MacLeod.The cross stones were traded and have been found in archeological sites in Westboro, Medfield, Middleboro and Attleboro.Chiastolites were transported to Europe and made into jewelry and buttons. The colors of the cross stones range from white, to shades of yellow, pink and red and are cigar-shaped intrusions in rocks.Kyle Shelton, cheap Stainless Steel Whisky Stones manufacturers17, of South Lancaster finds them in his backyard and along a stream that runs through the family property."You can find them on the ground. I bring them home, chisel them open, polish them up, make a big mess and find one almost every time. Sometimes there's more than meets the eye, you chisel, and get a good quality stone," said Mr. Shelton. But every couple of years, Mindham also invites the German gemstone wholesaler to his Toronto atelier to meet directly with clients. These select few get to experience selecting gemstones from the dealer for inspiration on custom designs, just as Mindham himself does several times a year.

