
Hike to the top of a mountain for a picnic

  If you want to inject a little romance or spontaneity into a date, without breaking the bank, try following some of these ideas. You might just surprise yourself and your partner! Hike to the top of a mountain for a picnic.Take a rowboat out on a lake at sunset.Go up to the top of a building in a large city and take in the view.Dress for a formal party, and then walk down the streets singing love songs.cheap Stainless Steel Whisky Stones Find a dark, romantic bistro with great coffees and desserts, or an independent book store that encourages browsing.Find a rarely-used corner deep in the stacks of your library. Blow the dust off some musty old volume and read it aloud together. Steal a few hot kisses.Pretend you've just won the lottery. "Shop" for your dream furnishings in elegant craft galleries, jewellery stores, and similar shops.Test drive a sports car together.Visit a specialty food factory such as a chocolate factory.Browse a ritzy museum, gift shop or art gallery. Drive along the outer borders of your city or county, exploring new neighbourhoods and villages where you've never been.Ride a city's entire public rail transit system, going out on remote branch lines, just for the heck of it.

 Spend the whole evening dressed and acting as characters from a play, movie, or book that you both enjoyed.Speak only gibberish and let your thoughts be understood from your emotions, gestures, and tone.Explore a wild and scenic place you've always wanted to check out.Walk around celebrity neighbourhoods, looking for glimpses of the rich and famous.cheap Ceramic Whisky Stones  Do something completely out of character--something you ordinarily wouldn't be caught dead even thinking about.Go explore a local flea market one Saturday.Get a guide book for your city. See you area through the eyes of tourists. You will be amazed at all the attractions that are hidden nearby.Star gazing Get a book on constellations and watch the stars. This can be especially fun during a meteor shower. Ideas for Girls:Go rollerblading. If you know how to rollerblade and he doesn't, teach him. If he knows and you don't, let him teach you. This date is great for breaking the ice because both of you will embarrass yourselves so much that you won't help but be able to laugh. Your true personalities will show.

