
Treatment and Precautions

   "Kidney Stones" is the common term used to describe the calculi that occur in the kidneys due to the crystallization over a period of time of chemicals such as calcium, uric acid, magnesium ammonium phosphate and amino acids. All these chemicals typically are components of the urine that is generated in and expelled from the human body.wholesale Ceramic Whisky Stones  The crystallisation begins to occur when these chemicals remain behind in the kidneys instead of flowing out in the urine. Having said that, let us further clarify that even where crystallization does occur and small stones are formed, these stones too pass out during the urination process. The problems occur, when these stones become large in size and create obstructions in the flow of the urine out from the body.  "Nephrolithiasis" is the medical term used to describe the occurrence of stones in the kidneys. The causes which lead to the development of kidney stones are:  De-hydration or inadequate consumption of fluids Following a diet that involves the high consumption of proteins, salt and sugar. Certain medication such as painkillers.
   Hereditary factors. Chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, gout and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)  Acute pain in the abdomen and the flanks which may or may not be accompanied by blood in the urine is the main symptom of the presence of enlarged kidney stones. If a person experiences such symptoms, it is advisable to consult an urologist and get a CT scan done to ascertain the presence of kidney stones.  It is a painful condition but not one which puts the life of the patient at risk.cheap Novelty Multiuse Keychain  Two types of treatment procedures are generally followed for the treatment of kidney stones:  Where the sizes of the stones are not very large, they may be dissolved through the use of oral medication accompanied by intake of fluids in large quantities. The use of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) which is a non-invasive procedure wherein the stones are broken down by passing shockwaves through the body.  Complete invasive surgery is generally resorted to in the rarest of rare cases where there are some other complications present in the patient.

